Getting Started

The takco package is designed to be run in several different environments. If you are just exploring the options, you can install the package and make use of external APIs. This gives you access to Wikipedia or other web table sources, external Knowledge Bases, and entity query APIs. If you want to run a larger pipeline, you should setup a local KB, and mirror the web table sources yourself. Finally, if you want to reproduce the research on which takco was built, you can run it on a compute cluster.

Default Setup

By default, takco is configured to make use of external APIs for web table harvesting and entity linking. This way, you can explore its features without having to setup a large KB yourself.

Large Machine Setup

For larger workloads, setup a locally hosted mirror of Wikipedia.


This will require some storage space. A typical Wikipedia zim dump is about 40 GB.

  1. Install the Kiwix tools.

  2. Download a Wikipedia zim dump.

  3. Host it with ./kiwix-serve --port=8989 your_wiki_dump.zim

To download many pages to WARC format, you can use wget in parallel:

parallel -j4 --pipe-part -a urls.txt \
  'wget -i - --warc-file=warcs/{#} --warc-max-size=1G --warc-cdx=on -O/dev/null -q'

On a machine with many cores, it is often useful to use the Dask execution engine, which provides a dashboard for running tasks.

Installing Trident

Cluster Setup

To cluster and integrate a large corpus of web tables, it is recommended to run takco on a large cluster of machines. For this purpose, the Dask execution engine has several backends.

The current version of takco will be tested on SLURM.